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The colonists strongly objected to Parliamentâ??s efforts to expand their authority in the colonies due to financial losses suffered in the Seven Years War. They objected to being heavily taxed and not having direct representation. These grievances had gone unaddressed by Parliament for a decade.

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13y ago

After the colonists dumped cargoes of tea into the Boston Harbor to rebel against Britain's high taxed on tea,Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable Acts angered the colonists because Britain shut down the harbor so their trade was affected, the colonists were only allowed to have one town meeting a year,and Parliament passed the Quarterin Act. This angered the colonists and called for war by 1775.

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15y ago

High taxes on next to everything, they were tired of being treated as second class citizens, there was the stamp act, tea tax, mollases tax, currency act, hat act all sorts of taxes and restrictions that were placed upon them by King George III.

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13y ago

The American Colonists went to war in 1775 because they did not think that the taxes the British imposed on them were fair because they did not have representation in Parliament. They also thought that the king couldn't rule them from 3,000 miles away.

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15y ago

what was the reason americans took up arms in 1775?

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11y ago

Restrictions on colonial trade

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Q: Why did the American colonist went to war in 1775?
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If you're referring to the English colonist located in America, it was the Revolutionary War.

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The American colonists did not have a say in the laws and taxes, so they felt it was unfair to have them imposed. The American Revolutionary War began in 1775.

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The American Revolutionary War started in 1775 and ended in 1783.

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The colonist heard the shot heard round the world in 1775. It is the shot that was first fired in the American Revolutionary War.

What war was in the years 1775-1783?

The American Revolutionary War.

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The American Constitution says this quite nicely. If you read the list of grievances in the American Constitution it gives all the reasons why the colonies went to war.

What year did the American Revolutionary War begin?

The American Revolution began in 1775. The initial battle between the Continentals and the British Army was at Lexington and Concord, MA on 19 April 1775, with the Battle of Bunker Hill following shortly thereafter on 17 June, 1775.

When did American Revolutionary War happen?

American Revolutionary War happened on 1775-04-19.

When was the British and American war?

From 1775 until 1814.

Who were the minutemenin the war in 1775?

They were American Militia men