By requiring cooperation between the Executive and Legislative branches in regard to the particular task of appointing federal judges, the Founders (or, Framers) of the U.S. intended to establish balance in government and to avoid rapid (and radical) political change. No single governmental branch is able to appoint judges in their vital roles (balance); the process requires discussion, even debate (slow change).
Congress chooses the President.
By a body of presidential electors
The constitution calls for the President to elected by electors from the states. It allows the state legislatures to decide how to choose its electors. Probably most of the framers expected the legislatures to elect the electors rather than holding a popular election to choose them.
The framers wanted a presidency that could withstand intense popular pressure. It set out to accomplish this by having the president elected via the electoral college.
America's founding fathers also had some framers of the Constitution in their ranks. Most historians agree that the founders and framers of the US Constitution envisaged the treaty making process to be the mutual agreement between US president and the US Senate.
The framers ensured that that there was enough ambiguity in the Constitution. This was done to encourage compromise and cooperation about concepts and not get bogged down in specifics.
The framers the elector to choose both vice and the president by the most vote. This is chosen by a group.
Madison Washington
Congress chooses the President.
Congress chooses the President.
The framers wanted the President to provide national leadership, and be the commander in times of war. They also wanted the President to provide statesmanship in the area of foreign affairs.
The framers of the Constitution intended the President to have ordinance powers. The powers directly granted the Presidency depend on the President's ability to issue and implement orders, or to authorize subordinates to do so.
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By a body of presidential electors
No limit
The minimum age for a president (35 years) is put forth in the Constitution. It was "started" by the Framers.