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Aborigians or Indigenous Australians have been on that continent at least 40,000 years and that is even before the continent was discovered by Dutch explorers in 17th century and that is even before British came to Australia in late 18th century.

The real question should be; "WHEN" DID ABORIGIANS CAME TO AUSTRALIA?

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

They didn't; they lived there. They're natives.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They were tricked into coming to Australia, and they were used as cheap labour.

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Q: Why did the Kanakas come to Australia?
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In what industry did the kanakas work?

The kanakas were brought to Australia, especially Queensland, to work in the sugar cane industry.

How did the Kanakas contribute to Australia?

don't know yo

What did the kanakas do when they migrated to Australia?

They worked mainly in the cane fields.

Was The new federated Australia was to be a white Australia and the Kanakas population was unwelcome?

White Australia Policy links below

Where did the kanakas come from?

The Kanakas came from various Pacific Islands, mostly recruited from the Solomon Islands and New Hebrides (Vanuatu), though others were taken from the Loyalty Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Kiribati and Tuvalu.

Did the Kanakas or the Germans provide slave labor for the canegrowers of Queensland?

It was the Kanakas who were brought in from South Pacific islands to be used as slave labour for Queensland cane growers in the late 1800s. The Germans had nothing to do with this practice, being largely concentrated in southern Australia.

What did the Kanakas do here?

Kanakas were employed as cane cutters in north Queensland. They were considered cheap labour, and were not treated at all well.

How old are Kanakas?

35 years

Who were the Kanakas?

the kanakas are are very remotely located group of people who live in the most remote parts of the pacific islands/ pacific location unknown.

Who were kanakas?

the kanakas are are very remotely located group of people who live in the most remote parts of the pacific islands/ pacific location unknown.

What are the release dates for Kanakas Diving for Money - Honolulu No- 1 1898?

Kanakas Diving for Money - Honolulu No- 1 1898 was released on: USA: June 1898

What are the release dates for Kanakas Diving for Money - Honolulu No- 2 1898?

Kanakas Diving for Money - Honolulu No- 2 1898 was released on: USA: June 1898