The English viewed the American colonies as a way to earn money. In this way, the British taxed the colonists and allowed them little freedom. The colonies didn't have any say on what decisions were made, and the decisions that were made were made across an ocean. They were constantly patrolled by British officers, the things that they produced were taxed for benefit of the British, etc. etc. Eventually, the colonists grew tired of being controlled by England and decided to rebel.
Personally, I think the main reason that the colonists wanted to rebel was that they were a separate place - across an ocean! - and they wanted their own say into the decisions that affected them.
The colonists fought the British for many reasons. The main one was that they wanted freedom/self-government as an independent country. However, this desire came about because of the perceived poor management by their former government. Here are some of the main things that they objected to:
The American colonists anger had been growing for years before the Revolutionary War began in 1775. The decision to separate from the British was not an easy choice for many colonists. However, Great Britain`s "repeated injuries" against the Americans, as noted in the Declaration of Independence, convinced many to join the rebellion. The British taxes the colonist without their consent, and the colonist had nobody to represent their needs and ideas to the British government. They were also angry because ordinary colonist were forced to let British soldiers sleep and eat in their homes. The colonist believed the British did not respect their basic rights. The British governed the colonist without their consent, denying them self-government .
There were strong hostilities between the French and the British
The colonists felt that the King of England (George 3) had too much control over them and was abusing that power
We called them 'patriots'. The British called them 'rebels'.
tn what war were the minutemen prepared to fight
the colonists did
The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.
they fought the british
The Patriots
They fought the British...
Bunker Hill
bunker hill
the british
they wanted freedom from the british rule
the british