BENJAMIN, not "benjaman"
FRANKLIN, not "franklen"
VICE, not "vise"
PRESIDENT, not "presidnet"
And on top of all of those corrections, as you could find by checking any history book or on-line encyclopedia, Franklin never served in elective office. The first vice-president was John Adams.
A person becomes a President of A country when people selected or voted for them to be President or if in a country that is not democratic the military has to pick one to be the President
Franklin Roosevelt
Pick any of the Presidents who came after Abraham Lincoln.
Look up the electoral college process and you'll understand better. Hint: we pick, they pick. This happened because in colonial times, they couldn't decide who should pick the president: the "smart" people or citizens. Hope I helped....
false because if the office of the president becomes vacant the vice president becomes president. next in order of succession iis the speaker of the house then president pro tempore of the senate then members of the cabinet starting with the secretary of state. if the president is ill and cannot serve the vice president can become president temporarily.
Usually to Pick a new president is In 4 YEARS. The Month i honestly do not know. You can google it !
anywhere anytime
The President of Confederate States pick Jefferson Davis as their president
No it was the other way around It depends on pick for what. If it was for vice president, then no. There were no running mates at that point. Electoral college vote only, first become president, second vice president. As far as Adams picking Washington, he did nominate him to be the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army 14 years prior.
he's a good president because he was pick president by votes
The New President Chooses a Replacement , (:
they can in a way. they get to pick their vice president who would take over the presidency if something were to happen but he has only his citizen's vote for the next prez.
Wimzie's House - 1995 Let's Pick a President was released on: USA: 20 September 2001
Peyton Manning was the first pick.
Edmintion oielers have first pick this year
he picked him because they were loyal companions!