President Johnson had more than one dog. His dogs' names were Yuri, Feckles, Blanco, Edgar, Him, and Her. He used to pick up his beagles by the ears, something that enraged many dog lovers at the time.
President James Garfield had a dog named veto.
Lewis and Clark spent an entire day trying to capture a prairie dog, after they encountered their first prairie dog city which covered some four acres on September 7, 1804. The following April they sent one live prairie dog to Jefferson with the small party that returned downriver to St. Louis. Remarkably, the creature arrived alive. They also sent various him Native American pieces of clothing, weapons, etc.
obama on his knees
The President may (at his discretion) salute anyone he likes, although this is normally reserved for recipients of the Medal of Honor.
DD means Destroyer DD means Destroyer
Supposedly Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
A live prairie dog.
He would pick his beagle up by its ears.
No dog was sent into space in 1997
The president Barack Obama has a dog.
dog laika
President Ronald Reagan did have a dog. His dog's name was Rex
yes, if your dog has fleas
The dog sent into space in 1957 was named Laika. She was a Soviet space dog aboard Sputnik 2.
The way that I pick my first dog is to use Facebook! Although I use dog web sites to, but you have to pick a puppy first. Remember this is my opinion you can correct it though or start a decoction I don't care.
Yes. A dog eating any type of feces can cause the dog to "pick up" a parasite(s)