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because now a days we have more people in our country

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Q: Why do current presidents have more advisers than the number in washingtons day?
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The number of the positions in Washingtons first cabinet?

There were 7 (Seven) delegates in his first cabinet.

US Presidents fax number?


What is the total number of presidents from each party?

Republican Party : 19 Presidents; 23 TermsDemocratic Party : 14 Presidents; 22 TermsDemocratic-Republican Party : 4 Presidents; 7 TermsWhig Party : 4 Presidents; 2 TermsNational Union Party : 2 Presidents; 1 TermIndependent : 1 President; 2 TermsFederalist Party : 1 President; 1 Term(updated 22 Jan 2017)

What are the Presidents Advisors called?

The presidents advisors are called his cabinet. They help him with his decisions.They also head the various federal departments.The executive department heads appointed by the president are known as cabinet members. Usually, they are addressed as "Mr. or Mrs. Secretary" of each specific cabinet department.The president's cabinet consists of the secretaries of the departments which report to the president. His cabinet may give him advice about their area of expertise. Also, he can call on experts that he would like to talk to, and most are delighted to meet with him.The president has a staff who help him carry out his duties and some no doubt help write speeches and give him political advice as do the leaders of his party in Congress. The joint chiefs of staff give him military advice.The president's cabinet is his traditional group of advisers. Modern presidents also have a large White House Staff to help in many ways, including advice. The president's cabinet consists of the secretaries of the departments which report to the president. His cabinet may give him advice about their area of expertise. Also, he can call on experts that he would like to talk to, and most are delighted to meet with him. The president has a staff who help him carry out his duties and some no doubt help write speeches and give him political advice as do the leaders of his party in Congress. The joint chiefs of staff give him military advice.

A presidents external influence comes from what three sources?

His level of public approvalThe number of seats his party occupies in congressThe mandate provided by his election

Related questions

What is is the presidents cabinet?

The President's Cabinet is a number of advisers who head executive departments, such as defense and treasury.

What is the presidents cabinet?

The President's Cabinet is a number of advisers who head executive departments, such as defense and treasury.

Why do the current presidents have more advisors than the number required in washingtons day?

Man has made great technological and scientific advancements, including a greatly diversified and expanding economy, from George Washington's time to the present. The knowledge required to regulate these developments is off-course much greater, therefore the current president requires more advisers to keep him informed so as to make the correct decisions regarding his country and it's subjects.

What is the presidents real number?

the presidents real number is 226-993-8586

What number of presidents were presidents in the eighteenth century?

answer my question

How many president does the US have?

The US at one time may only have one president. The total number of presidents that the US has had if you count the current one is 44.

How many presidents have become in Pakistan?

the number of presidents of Pakistan is 13 and the number of goernor general is 4

How many financial advisers are in US?

In the wake of the financial crisis the number of financial advisers declined as many people decided to stay away from stocks. Another factor contributing to the decline in the ranks of financial advisers was the move away from actively managed stock funds to passively invested index funds. It is estimated that there are currently about 315,000 financial advisers in the United States.

What is the number of former and present presidents the US has had to present year 2008?

44 presidents

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How many presidents are there in total?

there are 44 presidents in the usa. Obama is the 44th

The number of the positions in Washingtons first cabinet?

There were 7 (Seven) delegates in his first cabinet.