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Many people are writing there senator`s or representative`s to seek help for thinks like a social securety check has not bin recived or a veteran`s clam is held up. The representayive`s and the senator`s should be there for the people, seeing that they are suppost to represent the people.

Things that they could do is to write people responsible for the problem and point it out so it will get double checked and taken in action.

The mean resson why the members of the congress do casework, is because they are suppost to work for us by reppresenting us and if we have a problem that envolves the government. it`s there job to point it out and consider it in medings.

David P

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14y ago
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11y ago

Lawmakers are involved in casework because it serves three important purposes. First casework helps lawmakers get reelected. Lawmakers know that helping voters with problems is part of what they can do for the people in their states or districts. As a result some lawmakers actually search for casework.

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8y ago

They don't have casework. Lawyers have casework and so do social workers, but Congressman/woman has legislative work to do. They are on committees, meet with various groups/people, answer phone calls/letters, work on things for their state or district, vote on legislation, read legislation, write laws, and attend functions.

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13y ago

it makes all the third party constiuents favor the lawmaker that solves their problems in dealing with bureacracy.

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