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= The Rules Committee can give priority to the bills that are most important. It can also kill a bill by not letting it get to the floor. In the House, the Rules Committee sets the terms for debate. It usually puts time limits on the discussion, for example, to speed up action. =

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14y ago
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14y ago

The Rules Committee can give priority to the bills that are most important. It can also kill a bill by not letting it get to the floor. In the House, the Rules Committee sets the terms for debate. It usually puts time limits on the discussion, for example, to speed up action.

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13y ago

The Rules Committee is such an important committee in the house because this "Traffic cop" can give priority to the bills that are most important. It can also kill a bill by not letting it get to the floor.


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14y ago

* "Traffic Cop" function: sets legislative calendar

* Issues open rule that prohibits such amendments (especially on tax bills)

* Establishes rules on floor debate

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12y ago

The House passes and reject the bills the President supresses.

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7y ago

It makes the rules. Just like a game rules are needed.

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12y ago

to improve the house and keep it stable

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