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Because Britain hasn't decided to abolish their monarchy.

The British have had a monarchy for over 1000 years with only one brief period (1649-1653) known as the commonwealth period. During that time Britain had not only abolished, but executed their King Charles I, however they eventually decided to bring back the monarchy with Charles II (the son of the executed King) returning.

There are many countries in Europe that would have a monarchy today still if it had not been abolished: France, Russia, Germany etc. Britain's monarchy has managed to make it to this modern period for many reasons, one being popularity, two, being that the British people tend to be rational sorts that need a good reason to cause a fuss ("stiff upper lip" "If it ain't broke don't fix it" etc.) and a thrid being that because Britain won both world wars they were able to protect their culture as is (many monarchies were either abolished or downsized during one of the world wars, and finally a fourth being that Britain has never had to face (atleast not in modern times) any power hungry dictater types like Hitler or Mousillin, if or rather when Britain has to deal with a prime minister hell bent on power the first thing he or she will do is try to abolish the monarchy.

It's important to remember that the British monarchy is nearly powerless. Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen is the head of state, this is a real government profession (most every country has a head of state) so if the monarchy is abolished someone else will have to do her job.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Canada is not "subject to" the Queen of England. We Canadians are, however, loyal subjects of the Crown. Her majesty Elizabeth II is the Queen of England, as far as England is concerned. She is the Queen of Canada, as far as Canada is concerned. Canada is an independent nation. Canada's form of government is that of parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. In Canada's political system, the head of state and the head of government are two separate positions. The Queen is the head of state when she is actually in Canada. Otherwise the Governor General is the head of state, as the Queen's representative in Canada. The head of state is, for the most part, a ceremonial position. The head of government in Canada is the prime minister, as it is in England and most other parliamentary democracies. By comparison, in the USA the president is both the head of state and the head of government, and the form of government is that of a congressional democracy. The USA became an independent nation by violent revolution. But Canada became an independent nation through peaceful evolution. From being colonies governed by Britain, we obtained responsible government first, maintaining the British parliamentary form of government. Through Confederation, Canada was granted independence from Britain a few decades later.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Her Majesty Elizabeth II is the Queen of Canada.

As the head of State, executive power is vested in Her Majesty. The Queen's executive functions are exercised on the advice of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. By convention, only privy councillors who are also ministers (and are therefore responsible to the elected House of Commons) may advise the monarch. These exercises of the Queen's functions are referred to as the Queen-in-Council (or the Governor General-in-Council, when exercised by the Queen's representative).

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Because you touch yourself at night!

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βˆ™ 12y ago

to keep it running well

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βˆ™ 13y ago

one has a quenn the other one doesn't

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Yes, Queen Elizabeth is Monarch of Canada.

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