He scolds them because they warship Caesar almost blindly and they are roaming the streets and not working.
priviledges and immunities of citizens
An assembly of the Spartan citizens.
Yes, if they are born in the US, they are US citizens.
political decisions better reflect citizens' desires political leaders better understand with policies citizens support tax money is distributed to reflect citizens' desires
They are Flavius, Marullus, some citizens.
Marullus and Flavius was very upset to see the way the citizens were behaving. when Pompey was alive they praise him and now that Caesar killed him, they started praising Caesar. They go along with anyone who wants to rule.
Flavius was a Roman praenomen and there were many men who had the name. There was even an imperial dynasty, the Flavian, who carried the name. Flavius Josephus, the historian and all his sons had the name Flavius. The Conqueror of Masada was named Lucius Flavius Silva and Justinian's general Belisarius had the name Flavius. Constantine was also named Flavius.
One sentence for scold is; The teacher had to scold some students for disrupting the class.
The past participle of "scold" is "scolded."
The past tense of "scold" is "scolded."
Flavius Gaudentius died in 425.
Flavius Dalmatius died in 337.
Flavius Victor died in 388.
Flavius Aetius died in 454.
Flavius Aetius was born in 396.
keep scold people scold people scold people until people die..........