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The passage likely ends with the section "Justice in the 'Court of History'" to emphasize the long-term consequences and moral judgments that history will make about the events discussed. It suggests that even if justice is not served immediately in the present court system, history will ultimately judge the actions taken. This section may also highlight the importance of accountability and the idea that actions will be evaluated and judged by future generations.

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Q: Why does the passage end with the section Justice in the 'Court of History'?
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Is US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a socialist?

No. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is a staunch Republican, and widely considered to be one of the most conservative Justices in the Court's history.

Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court today in Alberta Canada?

There is no court styled the Supreme Court for the province of Alberta.The Court of Appeal of Alberta, the provincial court of last appeal, is led by the Honourable Madam Justice Catherine Fraser, the Chief Justice of Alberta. The Court of Queen's Bench for Alberta, the superior-level court, is led by the Honourable Mr. Justice N.C. Whitmann, the Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench.

Who is the highest judge of the US Supreme Court?

The Chief Justice presides over the US Supreme Court. At present, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is John G. Roberts, Jr.

The constitutional section that grant the chief executive power to select a supreme court justice when a vacancy occurs is an example of what system?

There is a section in the U.S. Constitution that grants the chief executive power to select a Supreme Court Justice when a vacancy occurs. This is an example of the checks and balances system created in a democratic form of government.

How old was the youngest Chief Justice of the United States when he was appointed?

Chief Justice John Marshall was only 45 years old when President Adams appointed him to the US Supreme Court in 1801. Marshall served on the Court until his death in 1835, making him not only the youngest, but the longest-serving Chief Justice in US history.

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Is US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a socialist?

No. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is a staunch Republican, and widely considered to be one of the most conservative Justices in the Court's history.

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A court of justice is called a Bureaucracy.A court of justice basically offers judgement on the cases that is before it.

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Fourth Chief Justice John Marshall, arguably the most influential Chief Justices in the history of the Supreme Court, presided over the Court from 1800 until his death in 1835. He was succeeded by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney.

How many women have held the title Chief Justice in the history of the US Supreme Court?

There has not yet been a female Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. The Court has only seated four women in its history; three are currently active.Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (retired 2006)Justice Ruth Bader Ginsgurg (active)Justice Sonia Sotomayor (active)Justice Elena Kagan (active)

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How many women have held the title of chief justice in the history of the supreme court?

None, so far.

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Is made up of nine Supreme Court justice?

Yes, there are nine. This number has changed throughout the history of the United States. The first court had 7 .

When was International Court of Justice created?

International Court of Justice was created in 1945.

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Associate Justice is the formal title for any US Supreme Court justice who is not the Chief Justice. There are eight Associate Justices and one Chief Justice on the Supreme Court.

When was Nunavut Court of Justice created?

Nunavut Court of Justice was created in 1999.

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