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The Constitution has been called the blueprint for governing the US because it's basically outlines all key information that needs to be taken care of in a government.So the US followed by it.
The Constitution has been called the blueprint because it has basically outlined all the key information that needs to be taken care of in a government. So the United States followed by it.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because a "constitution is a plan of government, which is what the US Constitution is.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

because other countries call their base of government the constitution and the answer to other contries constitutions is because that is what they decided to name it.

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Q: Why has the constitution been called a blueprint for governing the us?
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Additions to the Constitution are called Amendments. The first ten Amendments to the United States Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. There are currently twenty-seven Amendments that have been added to the Constitution.

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The feasibility of representative government in the American colonies had been demonstrated by the self-governing successes in Massachusetts and Virginia. When they were drafting the Constitution, the delegates had these examples to inspire them.

How many governing documents does the US Constitution have?

I'm not sure if this is what you are going for. The Constitution of the United States is one single document. It has been amended 27 times and certainly it will be amended again, but it is one document. There are countless documents that have been generated in support of its requirements. This is unlike the constitutional system of the United Kingdom. The UK is of course a monarchy, but the government is constitutional in nature. But there is a collection of foundational documents and materials that together guide the governing of the nation.