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Actually, many federal grants to states have been on the decline for quite some time. Cuts in federal spending have decreased the amount of money available to send to the states and have left many states unable to fully support key human service programs. A few key areas like health care are seeing more grant money to the states, but in general, states are feeling a serious pinch.

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Q: Why have federal grants to states increased?
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In what three ways do federal grants influence the states?

federal grants not only supply funds,but, by stipulating how the grants are to be used, also influence the states in a number of ways. Grants supply funds for programs that states may not otherwise be able to afford. Grants also stimulate programs and goals that the federal government believes are nessary. Finally, grants set certain minimum standards in the states. for example, the federal government provides a minimum public welfare program.

What are grants-in-aid categorical grants and block grants?

Grants in aid are grants to states to achieve a public project or service. Categorical grants are grants that are given to states for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE. Block grants are given to states for a GENERAL purpose.

Federal funds given to the states in lump sums are referred to as?

block grants

How has categorical grants increase the power of the federal government?

Another example of federal government taking states power would be the new ways of controlling the states spending, the government now gave out categorical grants from which it could control how the states spent this money. For some states the government was giving out over $200 billion dollars from which 90% of this would be categorical grants and the federal government would regulate how it was spent. The states therefore were restricted on what they could spend the money on and this further showed an increase in federal government's power.

How does the federal government financially links itself to the states?

through grants, taxation etc.

Related questions

Why do some people dislike federal grants-in-aid?

they believe that federal grants in aid interfere in states affairs.

In what three ways do federal grants influence the states?

federal grants not only supply funds,but, by stipulating how the grants are to be used, also influence the states in a number of ways. Grants supply funds for programs that states may not otherwise be able to afford. Grants also stimulate programs and goals that the federal government believes are nessary. Finally, grants set certain minimum standards in the states. for example, the federal government provides a minimum public welfare program.

Why do some people dislike federal grants-in-aids programs?

they believe that federal grants in aid interfere in states affairs.

Explain how the federal government uses grants to increase its influence over the states?

The federal government can't make the states change their laws, but they use grants as incentive for the states to make the states laws what the federal government wants. They offer grants for the roads for states to change the speed limit on highways to 65 mph.

Why do people dislike federal grants-in-aid programs?

they believe that federal grants in aid programs interfere in state affairs

Why do federal officials prefer giving categorical grants to the states?

why do state officials prefer block grants as form of federal aid

What federal emergency administartion leader helped provide grants to struggling states?

Harry Hopkins was the federal emergency administration leader who helped provide grants to struggling states.

block grants?

federal grants-in-aid that allow states considerable discretion in how the funds are spent

Are there federal grants for colleges in Nevada?

Yes, there are many Federal Grants for Colleges in Nevada. The best thing to do is to go to the site "fedmoney." They give a list of Federal Grants that are available all over the United States.

What are grants-in-aid categorical grants and block grants?

Grants in aid are grants to states to achieve a public project or service. Categorical grants are grants that are given to states for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE. Block grants are given to states for a GENERAL purpose.

Transferring federal dollars to states to be used as the states wish is called?

categorical grants

Why do some people dislike grants-in-aid programs?

they believe that federal grants in aid interfere in states affairs.