It is not necessarily a given that in order to affect social change one must understand contemporary issues. Indeed, the effects of the Penelope Elysian war are still felt today. Alexander the Great affected greatly the view many non Western cultures take of the West today. Caesar, Jesus, and Mohamed all affect these contemporary times and had no clue, (although some might argue the point) as to the affects they would have today. Adolf Hitler has also made a great effect on contemporary cultures yet it remains unclear how much or how well he understood his own contemporary issues. In fact, contemporary times are so filled with issues it is unclear how any one individual could ever fully understand them and yet individuals affect change. It would seem understanding contemporary issues is not at all that important when affecting change.
to analze cause and efffect
What is the effect of Quindlen example about her own home
ordinary people to support independence from Great Britain. don't failed it
political decisions better reflect citizens' desires political leaders better understand with policies citizens support tax money is distributed to reflect citizens' desires
The effect of a tabling a bill in committee enables the members to discuss the bill. It is important for the bill to have a person who proposes it and the second you who seconds it.
because you can see what made that effect occur in the first place.
because you can see what made that effect occur in the first place.
historical climate change effect on current biogeography.climate change has important implication.
Yes, temperature have generally an important effect.
Past racism has a contemporary effect because the residual beliefs from the previous generations are passed to the next. A child is not born a racist. They must be taught.
it has led to the disappearance of some important species,
Resistance to change --Failure to understand the extent and nature of involvement of employees throughout the process, a critical prerequisite for effective implementation of changes.
If a change is needed, it is important to inform clients. The letter should include the change, the reason for the change, and when the changes will take effect.
To create a mesmerizing effect with the rhythms of meter and rhyme. /Apex
They undermined the notion that behavior is fundamentally rational.
It is useful to know science to understand the world around us, and be able to predicate future events (weather, natural disasters, etc.), and to understand cause/effect of events.
Contemporary issues have an effect on all types of people. For instance the older generations are dealing with retirement and learning how to use electronic devices.