It is not. It is more important to say what you mean. When you become overly concerned about possibly giving offense you lose the ability to communicate clearly. "I'd rather be right than politically correct."
You'd simply call them by their name if you knew them or some other general term Mr. Mrs. Ms. whatever you use for other people. Just because they are in a wheelchair doesn't mean you have to refer to them as "wheelchair person" Or whatever. They are still people.
A. C. Pigou
to use effective time management
The terms, liberal and conservative are used to identify positions on political issues. A liberal politician is going to be in favor of spending on a certain issue and a conservative might have a wait and see attitude toward spending.
you call them as s holes for parking there.
The politically correct term for Spanish people is "Spanish." It is important to use the appropriate term that people use to identify themselves.
In the past they would have been called heretics. Today we use more politically correct terms such as Protestant or Orthodox.
Depends on the person hearing the term. Most Native Americans have become used to the use of these terms and it does not offend them, as a general statement.
If you are not sure, Ms. is the Politically Correct term at the moment.
The short answer: yes. Some may argue they are not the same, or are at least not "politically correct", that one should use "differently-abled" or other terms that no one can keep up with.
To be politically correct, use the term mental institution.
Maybe bellhop sounds better since it doesn't use gender?
The politically correct term for drug addict is "person with substance use disorder." This term emphasizes the personhood of the individual while also acknowledging their struggle with addiction.
During World War 2 it was often referred to as the 'meatball,' but it would not be politically correct to use the term today.
No, the term 'retarded' is considered outdated and offensive. It is no longer considered politically correct to use this term when referring to individuals with intellectual disabilities. It is more appropriate to use person-first language, such as "person with an intellectual disability."
Ideally, person; but if you must refer to someone by using their stature, little people use the term 'little people'.
pros and cons is the correct noun