It is so important that countries communicate with each other because misunderstandings can lead to hatred and even war or genocide. It is also important to communicate in order to establish trade between countries.
They lived close to each other.
The Yanomami speak a language called Xirinian. Between the villages some parts of the language differs but the people can understand and communicate to each other.
each branch is important because they all need each other
Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, each overlapping each other as they expand one after the other
Tariff - the government put a high tax on sugar made in other countries Quota - the government lemons, the emperor of sugar from other countries subsidy - the government pays sugar farmers to keep sugar prices low
because countries depend on each other more not than in the past
countries have to depend upon each other economically more than they did in the past................... ------------------sHeLbY :)
Countries have to depend on each other more now than in the past to solve economic problems NOVA NET~* vickeh xP
Insects communicate with each other by sensory.
I do not know how Jaguars communicate with each other. They might growl or purr.
So they can dicuss their theories with each other and get different ideas on things
They communicate with each other through Canalicili Extensions.
Penguins communicate by touhing each other, or feeling each other
Countries have to depend on each other more now than in the past to solve economic problems. People used telephones. They were not as good as are ones today.
they hit each other
Salamanders communicate with each other by visual ways. They also secrete a chemical that other salamanders can smell as a way to communicate.
They communicate with each other by sharing their ideas and maybe talk about their experiments together or writing to each other