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To answer your question why African Americans think they were the only group of people that were enslaved are do the following: 1) The racist Propaganda that was pepectuated during and after the slavery period in America. African American were told that they were inferior to whites and all other people; that they were cursed in the bible, "The curse of Ham", which stated that blacks were cursed with dark skin and would become the lowest of slaves, ( servants of servants) This myths was first orginated by Europeon Jews and is untrue. The bible tells us that God's punishes a nation to the third and fourth generation. Also, the curse was on Caanan not Ham's(3) other sons Egypt, Put, Libya, Furthermore, this prophecy was long fulfilled when King Solomon of Israel conquered and enslaved the Caananite people. They were titled the servants of servants because the Hebrew were slaves in Egypt, but eventually enslaved the Caananites. The Caananite people were of Hamite shock, but were a mixed raced do to intermarriage. (2) Do to ingnorance and lack of knowledge many African American do not realize that all races of mankind were enslaved at some point in history. Even, Eastern and Southern Europeons ( white people) were enslaved by Arab invaders in the 7, 8, and 18th century in North Africa and Arabia, and along the Barbary Coast.

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Q: Why is it that African Americans seem to think that their race was the only race enslaved?
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Why did some enslaved African Americans fight in the Revolutionary war?

Okay they thought they will be no more slavery but any who .. slavery been going on for years and still is even when 14th presedent Aberham signed the contract to stop it!Okay no back to the question.Or other wise their owners made them..The real question is what side were the African Americans were on my guess is (Colonist)Because in my book it says there was African Americans on the colonist side but only the Brittish was only trained soilders who were Brittish or unless they were paid..!!

How did the definition of citizenship in the new republic exclued native Americans and African Americans?

They were automatically excluded along with women. Only white land holding men over 21 were given rights. All African Americans were slaves and Native Americans were NEVER considered for citizenship.

Whom did the rise in egalitarianism apply to?

The egalitarianism applied only to white males. The status of women, African Americans and Native Americans didn't change.

Name two groups of people that the early Americans discriminated against?

Early Americans discriminated against "african americans" and "american indians' A: Also the Chinese who worked, not only on the transcontinental railway system, but on many of the railroads in this country.

What groups of people were not represented at the constitutional convention?

Other don't know this but the correct answer is: women, african-americans, and native americans are the groups that were not represented at the constitutional convention. So the only people at the convention were white amrican men who were the only ones represented.

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Why did some enslaved African Americans fight in the Revolutionary war?

Okay they thought they will be no more slavery but any who .. slavery been going on for years and still is even when 14th presedent Aberham signed the contract to stop it!Okay no back to the question.Or other wise their owners made them..The real question is what side were the African Americans were on my guess is (Colonist)Because in my book it says there was African Americans on the colonist side but only the Brittish was only trained soilders who were Brittish or unless they were paid..!!

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I think there was none because the only black that ran was Jesse Jackson.

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Because they weren't really considered humans, and they only counted as 3/5 of a person.

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The issue of enslaved Africans (they were not yet African-Americans, according to Chief Justice Taney, in Dred Scott)concerned the delegates at the Philadelphia Convention on only two counts. One, as potential population to be counted in determining representation from each state, and two, as the fuel for an American economy that depended on Southern productivity. That's all.

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