The Declaration is actually kept in argon gas, not helium, with a little humidity to keep the document from becoming brittle. Argon gas is an inert gas and will not react chemically with any other chemicals in the ink or parchment of the document itself to harm it.
The Declaration of Independence can be viewed at the National Archives Museum in Washington D.C
Philadlphia, Pennsylvania. =]
They are kept in the inert gas argon with a slight humidity to keep the documents flexible.
The story goes that it wasn't kept in a special place and when the 125th anniversary came they had to look for it. Found it in a box. Today it is in the National Archives in a case that is a safe.
One way in which the Texas Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Declaration of Independence mirror each other is that they both contain a set of grievances. Another similarity is that they both contain statements on the nature of government.
No, in order for helium to be kept as a liquid it would need to be kept at a temperature of -268.93 degrees celsius.This is both highly difficult, and impracticle, therefore helium is stored and dispensed as a gas.
It is kept in the National Archives, along with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
The Declaration of Independence can be viewed at the National Archives Museum in Washington D.C
it is either kept at the white house or the national archives
Philadlphia, Pennsylvania. =]
Helium belongs to group 18 elements along with other noble gases. All noble gases except helium have completely filled s and p orbitals. Helium has completely filled 1s orbitals and hence is kept along with the noble gases.
The Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution are all stored in Independence Hall. (in Washington D.C.)
It is kept in a sealed case filled with argon gas at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC
they would try to get more before the king found out
They are kept in the inert gas argon with a slight humidity to keep the documents flexible.
He abolished slavery and kept the country together. He told people that slavery did not fit with the ideas of the Declaration Of Independence.
I don't believe it's the lighting that is preserving the document. The case in which the document is in is filled with helium to protect it from the oxygen in the air which causes the deterioration.