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the ships didnt want the plankton a branicals on the bottom of the ship

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Q: Why is the dock community called the fouling community?
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What is the place called where ships dock?

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What do you call the wooden poles on a dock?

Those are called pilings or dock posts. They provide structural support for the dock.

What is the space for ships to dock called?

A dock nim rod! Actually a port.

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The reason it is called a dock is due to the English Legal system being based on Admiralty law. The defendant is "the vessel" and the position of the defendant is in dock. I think

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There is a book called "Dolphin in the Deep" (No. 31) and there is the Dolphin Diaries, but there is no book called "Dolphin at the Dock".

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Its called a dock

A ships dock is called a what?

a bay

Why is port called port?

Just like a port at a shipping dock. ships will dock with the port. Cables for computers will dock in the computer ports.

What is yellow dock root in Tamil?

Yellow dock root is called as நெல்லை இருக்கா in Tamil.

Where is a place along a coastline where ships can dock safely?

It is called a harbor, which can be natural or artificial.

What is yellow dock meaning in Tamil?

Yellow dock in Tamil is called "விஷாணி கட்டாட்டி" (vishaani kattaadi).

Can you give example sentences for dock?

Let's go to the dock and fish.You tie up your boat at the dock.I have a weed called dock that is hard to get rid of.