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systemic Agenda

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Q: What is a list of all issues that the political community views as meriting public attention is called?
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It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.It was called the European Community and prior to that the European Economic Community.

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When a person has a need for a lot of attention it is called narcissistic personality disorder. When the need for attention is excessive it is called histrionic personality disorder.