When the president ignores the bill it will be passed automatically. This way he can pass a bill with out joining a side.
No treaty by ANY president is valid without the consent of the Legislature.
Someone has to run the nation. The president is the person of the people. Without the president, who is going to think through all of the bills passed by congress? No one. Without the president, the country would be in turmoil because without a leader, the people are nothing.
f the President approves of the legislation, he signs it (sign into law). If he does not approve, he must return the bill, unsigned, within ten days, excluding Sundays, to the house of the United States Congress in which it originated, while the Congress is in session. The President is constitutionally required to state his objections to the legislation in writing, and the Congress is constitutionally required to consider them, and to reconsider the legislation. This action, in effect, is a veto. If the Congress overrides the veto by a two-thirds majority in each house, it becomes law without the President's signature. Otherwise, the bill fails to become law unless it is presented to the President again and he chooses to sign it.
It is estimated that about 7500 are appointed by the president. They would not hold their jobs without this appointment.
president bush went longest without issuing a veto, he also was one of the most unliked president of all time.
Pocket vetoes are not typically used in this day and age.
Because usually He/she has to read through the terms and policy of what the law is so wheather or wheather not he can veto it
Any thing, because when there is no president, there is no rules. So u can do anything.
Well sometimes there are givers that give you a *Fly* tool and that lets you freely fly without anything, like you are superman! :D
The vice-president becomes President if the President becomes incapacitated. However, the Veep does not have any presidential powers. No one is officially second in command to the President. Sometimes various members of the White House staff make decisions for the president with or without his permission.
Well. I don't want to be rude or anything, but he looks like Santa Claus, without the clothing.
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The president does not veto laws. He can veto bills before they become law and if he does, the bill is sent back to Congress with his objections for re-consideration. If they pass it again with a 2/3 majority in both houses it becomes law despite the veto. Otherwise, the bill dies without becoming law.
If a President does not sign a bill and Congress is in session, after 10 days that bill becomes law. If the President does not sign a bill and Congress is not in session, after 10 days it is vetoed. This is called a pocket veto.
Since this question was asked in the "US Constitution" category, we may assume that the intent was to limit the scope of the question to that document. According to Article 1, Section 7 of the US Constitution, the President can effectively veto legislation by refusing to sign it - although the word "veto" never actually appears in that section.
George Washington is often called the President without precedent. This is because he was the very first President of the United States.
The last president without a college degree, was Democratic President Harry S. Truman.