The importance of a republic is that the power rests with citizens, who vote to select their leaders.
Representive government
what is one of the most important differences between a democratic republic and the british government at the time of the American revolution is... they were fighting against each other and believed in different things.
it is a representative republic, that neither conservative nor liberal but favors the the voting populace. which is why voting is important.
where is it found republic
what are the important features of republic act 9163
Some important features of the third French republic are that the slave trade did thrive.
The consuls were the heads of the republic and the army.
how important was the issue of slavery in the first few decades of the American republic
Popular sovereignty is important to a republic. The main principle of popular sovereignty is that the government is created by the people for the people.
writing: Simplified,Traditional
he wrote Republic
lil kemo
Trujillo and Balaguer are two,.
It's their water source.