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New York and Virginia did not sine it because it did not have a Bill of Rights but James Madison promised that he would add them, the bill of rights.

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Q: Why was Madison concerned when Virginia And New York had not ratified the Constitution?
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What state did Madison represent in the constitution convention?

James Madison was representing the state of Virginia.

What agreement was reached that allowed the Constitution to be ratified?

What agreement was reached that allowed the Constitution to be ratified?

Why was James Madison known as the 'father of the Constitution?

Madison, wrote the Virginia Plan, the basis for the U.S. Constitution, he wrote 29 of the 85 Federalsit papers, political-advertisement for the Constitution,and he wrote the Bill of Rights, which protects our rights.

What point was Madison making about the system of government created by the proposed Constitution?

For one thing, he was part of the committee who put together the whole dcument PLUS actually wrote a large part of the ConstitutionJames Madison's Contribution to the Constitution:When James Madison and the other 56 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in May 1787, they intended to amend the Articles of Confederation. They ended up creating a new constitution, and Madison, representing Virginia, became the chief recorder of information (he took a lot of notes).Madison had helped develop Virginia's Constitution 11 years earlier, and it was his "Virginia Plan" that served as the basis for debate in the development of the U.S. Constitution. Madison argued strongly for a strong central government that would unify the country.

Who were the two Virginians that signed the constitution?

The United States constitution was signed by 39 delegates during the convention. The two signers from Virginia are John Blair and James Madison, Jr.

Related questions

Who was the father of the constitution and delegate from Virginia?

James Madison

What provisions in the constitution support James Madison’s statement?

Madison had helped develop Virginia's Constitution 11 years earlier, and it was his Virginia Plan that served as the basis for debate in the development of the U.S. Constitution. Madison argued strongly for a strong central government that would unify the country.

What state did Madison represent in the constitution convention?

James Madison was representing the state of Virginia.

What important thing did James Madison do for America?

He worked very very hard to see the constitution be ratified

Who are the 2 signers of the constitution from Virginia?

There were 3 signers of the U.S. Constitution from Virginia. George Washington, James Madison and John Blair.

What agreement was reached that allowed the Constitution to be ratified?

What agreement was reached that allowed the Constitution to be ratified?

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to base the Constitution on the drafted by James Madison?

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention decided to base the Constitution on the Virginia Plan, which was drafted by James Madison. The Virginia Plan called for a strong central government with separate branches and a bicameral legislature. Madison's plan heavily influenced the structure and principles of the Constitution.

Who was the Anti-Federalist from Virginia who was opposed to the Constitution during its ratification?

George Madison

Who wrote the Virginia Constitution?

George Mason, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison

What did James Madison promise to the Virginia delegates in order to ratify the constitution?


How many amendments proposed but never ratified?

In order to help the new US Constitution, the Federalist, James Madison, agreed to install the Bill of Rights in this governing document in order to have it ratified. Madison set to work on a Bill of Rights that were needed to be included in the proposed constitution. He recommended twelve of them, however, only ten were passed.

Was James Madison president when he wrote the Constitution?

No. The Constitution was written in 1787. He became President in 1809, some 22 years later. Until the Constitution was written and ratified, there was not United States and there were no Presidents.