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President Warren G. Harding was popular with the American public because he lowered taxes for people and made things better in the country. Some of Harding's scandals were the Teapot Dome and the appointment of many of his friends to official positions in government.

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Q: Why was President Harding popular with the American public despite the scandal?
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Filmore, Pierce, and Buchanan were all terrible. Harding was popular but corrupt, a puppet of his political bosses.

Who failed to become president despite winning most of the popular vote in 1824?

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Who failed to become president despite winning most of the popular voite in 1824?

Andrew Jackson.

President harding was elected when?

Warren G. Harding was elected Senator from Ohio in 1914, and in 1920, near the end of his term, he was elected President of the US. Harding's election was the first in Ohio following the 17th Amendment -- making senators elected by popular vote. Before that time, the state legislatures had selected the senators from almost all states.

When was Warren G. Harding a senator?

Warren G. Harding was elected Senator from Ohio in 1914, and in 1920, near the end of his term, he was elected President of the US. Harding's election was the first in Ohio following the 17th Amendment -- making senators elected by popular vote. Before that time, the state legislatures had selected the senators from almost all states.

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Failed to become president despite winning most of the popular vote in 1824?

Andrew Jackson is the presidential candidate who won the popular vote in the 1824 election but failed to secure the presidency. Despite winning the highest number of popular votes, Jackson did not have the majority needed in the electoral college, and the election was ultimately decided by the House of Representatives, who chose John Quincy Adams as the president. This outcome is often referred to as the "corrupt bargain" because Adams appointed Henry Clay, who had supported him, as his Secretary of State.

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Which president had the most popular votes in history?

The largest percentage of popular votes were won by Lyndon Johnson 61.05% in 1964, Franklin Roosevelt 60.80% in 1936, Richard Nixon 60.67% in 1972, and Warren Harding 60.32% in 1920.

How many votes did Warren Harding receive?

In the 1920 presidential election, Warren G. Harding ran against James M. Cox. Harding got 404 electoral votes and Cox got 127. In the popular vote, Harding got 16,144,093 votes and Cox got 9,139,661.

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George Washington was extremely popular to the Americans because he was the president of the U.S. from 1788 to 1789, and he was the first president elected.

Was there a president election in 1920?

Republican Party candidate Warren Harding won the 1920 presidential election defeating Democratic Party candidate James Cox. In the 1920 presidential election Warren Harding received 404 electoral votes and James Cox received 127 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Harding 16,153,115 and Cox 9,133,092.