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Several presidents, notably Wilson, Harding and Eisenhower played Golf while in office. Kennedy was an excellent golfer. Obama plays on occasion. I do not know that any President actually made golf more popular.

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12y ago
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15y ago

This answer is on The White House Putting Green lies a short walk outside the Oval Office door to the southeast. It was installed by President Dwight Eisenhower, an avid golfer. Ike had difficulty keeping the squirrels (which Harry Truman had nearly tamed by hand-feeding them) from burying nuts in the green. Most modern presidents have been avid golfers, including John Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W Bush. It has been maintained by most later presidents, since many golf-lovers have occupied the White House. CP

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11y ago

Several presidents played golf. Eisenhower loved to play and was pretty good at it. Kennedy was supposed an excellent golfer. Harding played a lot as president.

Woodrow Wilson played with his wife but was not very good. Both Bushes, Clinton and Obama all play on occasion.

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14y ago

Harding played golf at least twice a week but he was not president very long , Eisenhower played a lot and had a putting green set up at the White House, and he served for 8 years so he may have spent more total time on the links even if he did not play as often as Harding.

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12y ago

Warren Harding probably spent the highest percentage of his presidential time in golfing.

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