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When can be generally accepted as the Invasion of Poland at the beigning of WWII in Europe, and the where can be just as simplistic: "The Atlantic".

Germany's U-Boat fleet was already on wartime patrol and when the war began, they were prepared to pounce. When the war in Europe ended, U-Boats were at sea, maintaing their patrols. Allied Naval and air forces were still searching them out, and they were among the last combatants to call it quits.

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17y ago

The Battle of the Atlantic lasted throughout the war in Europe from 1939 until 1945. It was the effort to keep the sea lanes open between the Americas and Europe. About 3500 Merchant Vessels screened by 175 Naval warships, airships and aircraft maintained a constant flow of war material to Europe and the USSR. They were pitted against the German Navy, commerce raiders and the U-Boats under the command of Admirals Raeder and Donitz. The Allies won the battle at a terrific price, and the food, fuel and war supplies continued to flow throughout WW-II.

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16y ago

The battle of the Atlantic features in both WW1 & WW2. Principally it is German Submarines sinking allied merchant ships. Particularly the effect in WW2 is devastating to the supply of Britain, dependant as it was to overseas trade & import of raw materials. Admiral Doenitz is the author of the Nazi threat of the predation of Wolf Packs of submarines sinking allied ships in convoy, usually at night, on the surface with torpedoes. Gradually the escort vessels were aided by detection techniques of Asdic & air recconnaisance to defeat the U boats. Many were eventually sunk & the loss of experienced crews was great, but before the threat was contained the pressure was immense, although the supply of crew for the merchant ships was never seriously affected.

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in 1945, not sure when exactly, all I know is that Admiral Donitz threw in the towel coz he got hacked off with the Allies. not very helpful i know, but I was bored

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The early part of World War 2 was?

September 1, 1939 through May of 1940 was the early part in which Hitler started the war by invading Poland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France. The Battle of Britain and the Battle of Atlantic started.

What year did battle of Atlantic start?

The Battle of Atlantic started in 1939. They battled the German U Boats and their ships until 1945. They say it wasn't really called a battle but rather sea skirmishes, naval campaigns and offensives. At least in the end the Allied Forces were able to halt the German Navy from doing any more harm.