The church was increasingly unable suppress dissent because of education. As more people became educated, and able to read the Bible for themselves, dissent was difficult to suppress.
"Illiterate" means unable to read or write.
they get fired. they get fired.
False a+ lab
The federal government was unable to pay its Revolutionary War debts because it did not have the power to levy taxes. The war was fought from 1775 to 1783.
In the period from about 1520 Luther and some other reformers had the backing of some powerful secular leaders - unlike in the Middle Ages, when reformers were all seen as subversives.
Lisa had to suppress her anger with her younger brother for spilling her milk because she knew he didn't do it on purpose. The class was unable to suppress their laughter as the chalk blew into the teacher's face. The government called in troops to suppress the demonstrations in the city.
In Gulliver's Travels, the king of Laputa is unable to suppress the revolt in Lindalino because of his impractical and abstract thinking. The people of Lindalino were revolting due to the oppressive and exploitative policies imposed by Laputa on them. The king's detachment from the needs and grievances of the people of Lindalino prevented him from effectively dealing with the uprising.
They labeled him as an outlaw.
A:There has never been a time in the history of Christianity in which it has been represented by one united Church. From the earliest writings of Paul, then the gospels and the Christian writings through the second century and beyond, the Great Schism of 1054, the Reformation to the present day, Christianity has been characterised by dissent, splits and numerous schisms, although we rarely hear of the less important ones.Christianity has always seemed unable to unite as one, and remains unlikely to do so in the future.
The dictator attempted to suppress any opposition to his rule by silencing dissidents and controlling the media.
If the Pastor is unable to fully serve the church, he will still have the position of Pastor until his call to Glory, an Assistant Pastor or a designated person of ministry will conduct the services and tend to the needs of God's people.
So he could divorse his wife and marry again Henry wanted to divorce his wife who was unable to bare him a son. The Pope would not allow the divorce. Henry started his own church, the Church of England and thus became the head of state and of the church he divorced catherine of aragon.
No. In order to be able to partake of the Holy Sacrament of Communion, you must be baptized and christmated(confirmed) in the Church in which you plan to receive the first communion. However, you are unable to be baptized in both churches, as the church in which the child has been baptized for the second baptism, becomes the Church in which they stand in and can only stay in that church, unless they convert to the other church, and lost the "right" to take communion in the church they converted form.
People are upset with the Catholic Church's stance on birth control and with the number of priests that have molested boys. Some are also upset with the Catholic Church helping illegal immigrants.
The Hon. John Park, Mayor of Memphis, seemed to have lost entire control of his subordinates and either through lack of inclination and sympathy with the mob, or on utter want of capacity, completely failed to suppress the riot and preserve the peace of the city. His friends offer in extenuation of his conduct, that he was in a state of intoxication during a part or most of the time and was therefore unable to perform the high and responsible functions of his office.
The irony in the search for Montag is that the government, which is supposed to be maintaining order and controlling its citizens, is unable to locate Montag despite their advanced technology and resources. This highlights the ineffectiveness of their oppressive regime and their inability to suppress individual freedom and thought.