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The United States was in severe debt for several reasons. The biggest reason of all was because no single currency existed. Each state had their own currency and there was no way to determine which had value over which. The next problem would probably have to be the fact that it was a brand new country, meaning that even if there was a single currency how would it have held up against the pound or the franc?

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17y ago
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10y ago

The Revolutionary War was very expensive for the United States because the fledgling government could not impose taxes. After the war, the United States had accrued a large debt for supplies, defenses, and salary for the troops.

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15y ago

i don't know what evers people you supose to be

knowng that already.

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10y ago

They borrowed money to fight in the American Revolution.

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12y ago

Yes, the United States owed a lot of money at that time that was borrowed to support the Revolutionary War.

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Q: Why was the government of the new United States so far in debt after the Revolutionary war?
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