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The metal that backed paper currency was an important issue in the 1896 presidential campaign because after the Panic of 1893, the government's supply of gold had worn thin. Without enough gold backing the paper money, the value of the US dollar would drop and it caused people to panic, Wall Street stock prices to plunge; an economic crisis like the Great Depression and now. So the main issue of the campaign was whether to stick to the gold standard, backing dollars with just gold(Republicans), and bimetallism, backing the dollar with gold and silver(Democrats) like we do today.

Paper money was seen as completely useless if you couldn't trade it in for gold or silver, and since there was an abundance of silver backing the dollar with both would decrease the value of a single dollar but increase the amount of paper money in circulation. By sticking to the gold standard, currency would be more stable but more expensive and supporters of bimetallism hoped that this method would help stimulate the stagnant economy.

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Jesco Wilm

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3y ago
"bimetallism, backing the dollar with gold and silver(Democrats) like we do today."  Our paper money isn't backed by precious metal today. It's only backed by a promise of the US Government. In other words, it's worth nothing.

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To what extent can you believe historians?

If written history is backed up with eye-witness accounts, it should be trustworthy.

What effect did the National Currency Act of 1863 have on American currency?

It made the production of paper currency the sole domain of the US government, and in so doing, stabilized paper money in the United States. Prior to this act, states could issue paper money, as could banks, both public and private. With the massive proliferation of an incredibly huge variety of bank notes, counterfeiters had a field day. The majority of bank notes used in transactions in the first half of the 19th century were likely to be counterfeit. Ironically, some counterfeits were considered to be more safe than genuine bank notes, since many banks issued notes which were un-backed by any sort of specie or deposits. After 1863, bank notes came from a single source and it cut down considerably on counterfeiting. At the very least, the standardization of paper money made it much more easy to spot counterfeit money.

In what country was the fighting on the Western Front?

France, Belgium, border lands (No man"s lands) between France and Germany such as the Saar (later issued coins), and the famous or infamous Somme campaign. Tanks were first introduced in the trench-bound Somme fields and the Battle of Hamel, literally fought on the fourth of July! was an 85 Tank (all Royal Army) but backed by Us and French ground troops, engagement that did quite well, objectives seized wit a minimum of casualites, only 5 tanks temorarily disabled- all back in action in 24-48 hours, a winning fight here! Hamel was part fo the Somme campaign and as it sounds Germanic, is little known in the Us. submitted by K. Chris Hamel!

Who was allowed to issue paper money during the 1800?

The USA started printing "bills" in the 1860's, however: because of the poor circulation across a vast underpopulated area of the U.S., banks in towns in virtually every town and Territory was able to print their own paper currency, backed by gold on deposit at the various institutions, usually within a very finite area around the bank that had it printed. Each "bill" would be signed by the owner or president of a bank. The currency was not any good unless it bore the proper signitures. But what was often the case, a bank would go defunct thereby only making the notes redeemable as long as the gold and silver lasted, voiding the rest of the currency as worthless. In the case of fresh notes coming from the printer, there would not be a signature to put on the notes, making them worthless. Thus; the expression," You can use the notes to wallpaper your bathroom. Also throughout the 1800's Fractional Currency was also locally printed. Mostly in the 25 and 50 cent increments. Hope this helps. BTW, the first coin to bear "In God We Trust" was the 1864 2 cent piece. Stgcret

What caused the aig bail out?

AIG's collapse was not due to insolvency but illiquidity. They had mortgage backed securities which derive their income from a pool of mortgages that had been securitized. The bailout came at a cost to AIG as the Treasury received warrants for approximately 80% of all shares. Thus, to some, the bailout was a nationalization of the company. See wikipedia on AIG and mortgage backed securities.

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Why did populists want the US to move from a currency backed by gold to one backed by both gold and silvers?

It would increase the supply of money.

Why did populists want the US to move from currency backed by gold to one backed by both gold and silver?

It would increase the supply of money.