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They didn't have to, they chose to support Great Britain because they thought they shouldn't break away from England.

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most of the loyalist were rich so the knew that england was a good trading partner and it provided protection from foreign countries

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Q: Why were The loyalist so loyal to great Britain during the American revolution?
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What name was given to American colonists who sided with Great Britain during the American Revolution?


What is a loyaltist?

A loyalist is a person who stayed loyal to Great Britain during the American Revolution

Wahat is a loyalist?

A loyalist is someone who was loyal to King George during the American Revolution

What defines a loyalist during the American revolution?

A loyalist is a person who backed the British and the King. They were "loyal " to the crown.

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It is estimated that about 20-30% of the American population were Loyalists during the American Revolutionary War.

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During the American Revolution, a number of colonists wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain. Because of social pressure from many other Americans that wanted independence, many loyalists decided to move to British Canada.

Who were theLoyalists in the American Revolution?

People who where on the side of great Britain during the American Revolution

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he was a freed African slave living in New Jersey who fought on the loyalist side during the American Revolution. Search(american revolution king)to discover that king George III was king of Great Britain at the time.

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During the American Revolution, a British colonist in America that was still loyal to King George the III was called a loyalist.

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