Most of the people are or were peasants. Peasants do the work, maintain the population, fight the wars and keep the economy running.
No < It can't be no because the definition of a peasant is "working class" which makes alot of humans: peasants.
In a village
Peasants suffered under the burden of higher taxes during the French Revolution. Peasants suffered social, economic,and political inequalities. Peasants suffered from out-of-date feudal dues that were being collected with renewed vigor, leading up to the Revolution.
The Poll Tax was a riot which started by the peasants revolting. The peasants revolted because of poll tax. Poll tax is basically something that the government decides to do. The Government decides that we should pay higher tax prices. But the Peasants revolted because they thought it was wrong.
The french peasants paid royal taxes, tithes to the church, and manorial dues to the lords
what i s hope for the peasants future
the important once were the kings and clergies and the lowest once were peasants and crafts.
they supported the church because it was an extremely important and religious place.
The peasants had the least amount of money compared to the rest of the society and generally the lowest education level, as well. Those two factors contributed to their small importance throughout history.
The French peasants were able to get weapons and became an army, not just a mob.
Peasants!The peasants are revolting!-Yes, but what are the peasants doing?Street beggars are often unsuccessful in their attempts to beg from peasants.
Peasants is the correct spelling.
Saxon Peasants' Revolt happened in 1790.
what did the peasants do in the middle ages
What work did the peasants do in medieval times
EVERY civilization has peasants!