It was the law so they went after the Bootleg operations and tried to close them down.
The Senate vote to declare the War in 1812 was so close because the Federalists in Congress did not support the war, therefore didn't vote for it. Others in the Senate voted against the war as well.
so that they could get enough supply of fresh water.....
Portugal was the leading country in the search for a sea route with the development of technology and new shipbuilding designs.
Steam energy allowed factories to move away from rivers.
Belfast is a port built at the mouth of the River Lagan and where it joins Belfast Lough, so it is close to the sea.
So they can teach the CA Indians their religious.
So they can teach the CA Indians their religious.
Because he built the missions.
so people could get to them easily
so people can walk to and from them
The coast, so missionaries could get in and out if the country eaisily,
The coast, so missionaries could get in and out if the country eaisily,
so people could get to them easily
The Spain people discovered Alta (upper) California where the missions are now and they didn't want anyone to claim their land so they built missions to protect Alta California.
Malta IS in the Mediterranean Sea!!
Well, some missions were built near the Indians so they could bring them to Christianity. The Indians lived sometimes next to the mission.