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The patriots wanted freedom and no more heavy taxes. Plus, they wanted their own government. The loyalists (usually rich nobles) wanted to stay loyal to the queen.


If the question is about the United States the patriots were rebelling against the rule of the English king. His policies, taxes and edicts were implemented by the loyalists and richer businessmen and landowners.


After the French and Indian War the British nationl debt had doubled and the British tried to recoup some of their expenses by levying higher taxes on the Ameican colonists. The colonists resented ths because the war hadn't directly benefitted them. It was part of a greater struggle for world power between the British and the French which they were drawn into and had actually made a significant contribution to, on behalf of the Crown. This war can be considered to be the first "World War" with action taking place across the globe as the major powers tried to gain an advantage over each other.

With the Frech defeated in Canada the American colonists saw no reason to have a British standing army garrisoned in their cities which they were expected to pay for. The British were suspicious of allowing the militias that had been formed to fight the French too much influence over the secuurity of the colonies.

With no enemy to threaten them, the Americans began to see the British garrison as an occupying force to keep them in order rather than as a protective garrison against hostile outsiders. The British used the threat of the army to enforce the taxes to pay for the war and then had to increase the taxes to pay for the army to enforce them. It was a vicious circle.

At the same time the Americans had already sensed the power of their own milItia in aiding the British in victory and had recived little respect from the professional British army for their effort.

The actions of the early American revolutionaries could be compared to the insurgancy against the occupying forces in Iraq, the reaction of the crown forces only added to the support for independence in the colonies

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12y ago
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13y ago

Because Britain was treating them poorly and not giving them rights. No taxation without representation!

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15y ago

the patriots were rebels because they didnt believe in the king's ways.ex.) taxes.

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15y ago

The patriots wanted to gain independence from Britain because they were giving them to many taxes and the patriots were getting tired of being bossed around by their English relatives.

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14y ago

they were patriots to the new country and rebels toward England

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