Most convicts were just poor. Not nessesarily farmers. They were forced to steal from people were well off. They would steal mostly food or possesions that they could sell on.
when any form of government becomes destructive of these ends it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it
For the better part of the 1700s, most people did not have the right to vote. Men in England had the right to vote and that was about the extent of it.
Most people choose to be a hairstylist because that's just in their heart to do people hair. I think that most people that don't choose to be a hairstylist just don't have the right time like most hair stylist have to do some ones hair. That's just what I think. What do you think about being a hairstylist?
The Constitution is built for everybody, rich and poor. The difference is that the rich people has more conditions to manage it. Rich people has more conditions to defend themselves when any Constitution issue is involved.
There are people known to steal sodas. Most people go to jail for stealing.
They steal stuff because they are unemployed and they need food.
Most people just use the word 'steal'. However, some slang terms for 'steal' are nick, swipe or flog.
She spies on people, she gets all the dirt she can get. She is friends with the right people and listens to the right secrets. Also she may have to steal or investigate but it's all worth it in the end. But the most important factor is she looks innocent the whole time!
BECAUSE It is WRONG! Unfair and very very illegal. You can be fined or even put in jail for many years. I am hoping you're not going to steal anything, Because "SMART ONES" Don't steal. Stealing is stupid and not right. If you steal that memory will be stuck in your life forever and if you try to like example : Cut yourself , from doing bad things or maybe do drugs..You're life will be a living hell and It will be messed and screwed and not normal..EVER...AGAIN. Think about that for a second or two. I hope you make the right decision..Most people don't...And those people that made the wrong decision probably envy you right now. You GET to decide...You get to make the RIGHT decision.
Most convicts were just poor. Not nessesarily farmers. They were forced to steal from people were well off. They would steal mostly food or possesions that they could sell on.
Most of the people are blind so you can steal from you classmates without them knowing.
because they aren't as clean as people can be they will beg for food most likely and/or steal it
because some people get money or steal money from rich ones and uses it for unnecessary things.
White people steal the most because the store don't look at them like they do other races