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Peyton Beahan

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Q: Would Stevens style of debate be likely to persuade opponents to accept his idea?
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Would Thaddeus Stevens style of debate be likely to persuade opponents to accept his ideas?


Would Stevens's style of debate be likely to persuade opponents to accept his ideas?


What do you call the people that are debating against each other in a debate?

They are Opponents.

When can a proposal legislation be defeated by opponents?

A proposed legislation can be defeated by opponents when it is brought before the house for debate. When there is no unanimous agreement, there can be a vote out of which opponents can defeat the legislation if they outnumber the proponents.

Where can a proposed legislation bills be defeated by opponents?

A proposed legislation can be defeated by opponents when it is brought before the house for debate. When there is no unanimous agreement, there can be a vote out of which opponents can defeat the legislation if they outnumber the proponents.

Does debate include rhetoric?

Debate is quintessentially the battle of rhetorical mastery and prowess. It is founded on rhetoric - it is the persuasion of an audience to side with you against your opponents.

What are things to consider in planning a debate?

Both sides of the issue. Always know what you're opponents are thinking before they do.

How do you use the word debating in a sentence?

You don't as there is no "DEBAT" in the English language.You would use "DEBATE" as follows:The political opponents were to discuss the question in a debate on Thursday.

How does the book of Job persuade the reader?

The Book of Job is in the form of a four-way debate, in which God himself then steps in as the final arbiter.See also:More about Job

The segment of the debate that should crystallize the debate into several key arguments against the resolution is called an?

The segment of the debate that crystallizes arguments against the resolution is typically called the "rebuttal." This is where debaters counter and challenge the points made by the opposing side to strengthen their own position.

True or false There is little debate concerning the use of the death penalty?

No, there is a lot of debate concerning the use of the death penalty in the United States. For examples of proponents and opponents to the use of the death penalty, check the below sites:

What was socrates great skill in debate?

Socrates had at the ability to effectively articulate his points during debates. He did this with precise and concise skills, which would leave many of his opponents speechless.