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no because it was unfair that even though you have different color you didn't get same rights, that was unfair.

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Q: Would you have supported the alien and sedition acts?
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Which group supported passage of the alien and Sedition Acts?


The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions supported the alien and Sedition Acts?

No. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions actually encouraged the nullification of the Alien and Sedition Acts. In other words, nullifying them would make the Acts null and void.

Alien and sedition acts were supported by the federalist as a way to?

They supported this in order to result of the French Revolution.

How did the Alien Sedition Acts divide American political parties?

Federalists supported the acts. Democratic Republicans opposed them.

How did alien and sedition acts divided American political parties?

Federalists supported the acts. Democratic Republicans opposed them.

How did the alien and sedition acts divide American political parties?

Federalists supported the acts. Democratic Republicans opposed them.

What law did the president John Adam pass in order to protect the country from enemy foreign nations?

I think you are referring to the Alien and Sedition acts, particularly the Alien acts.

Why did Federalists target immigrants in the Alien and Sedition Acts?

Most immigrants supported the Democratic Republicans.

Do you think the alien and sedition acts were fair Why or why not?

The alien and sedition acts was unfair because the immigrants who would bring trouble would be deported or jailed without facing justice.

What lawas did president john Adams pass in order to protect the country from enemy foreign nations?

I think you are referring to the Alien and Sedition acts, particularly the Alien acts.

Why were the Alien and sedition acts unconstitutional?

The Alien and Sedition Acts were not determined to be unconstitutional, although many of those opposing them considered them to be. The Supreme Court did not establish its right to review the constitutionality of Acts of Congress until after the Alien and Sedition Acts had expired. (They were enacted with what we would call today sunset provisions.)

Who did the alien and sedition act benefit?

The alien and sedition acts befitted Federalists because they could not be spoken of badly since the alien and sedition acts banned any criticism of the government.