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an archaeologist

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Q: A person who studies remains and ruins in Ancient Egypt?
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What was empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt?

A dead person's organs were empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt. During mummification in ancient Egypt, the dead person's organs were removed and later filled with rags instead.

Person who wrote and kept records in Ancient Egypt?

In ancient civilisations it was the scribe

Why was finding a cartouche for Cleopatra important?

A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.A cartouche in regard to ancient Egypt, was a person's name. Finding a cartouche for Cleopatra was important because it proved that she existed and was not a myth invented by some ancient writer.

Where did queen Cleopatra reign?

Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.Cleopatra reigned in ancient Egypt and her capital city was Alexandria.

What is the hierarchy in ancient Egypt?

A hierarchy is the social system in ancient Egypt

Related questions

What is a person who studies Egypt?

A person who studies ancient Egypt is called an Egyptologist. An Egyptologist is any archaeologist, historian, linguist or art historian who specializes in Egyptology, the study of ancient Egypt.

What is Egyptologists?

An Egyptologist is an historian who study mainly on Ancient Egypt or Egyptian civilization.

What do you call a person who studies about Egypt?

An egyptionologist

What makes the great pyramid in Egypt unusual among the places on Antipater's list?

The only one of those ancient sights that remains today is the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

What do you call a person who studies the stars to predict when the Nile River will floods?

In ancient Egypt their astronomers use the stars to predict when the Nile River would flood.

Where are the remains of ancient ruler of ancient Egypt today?

The scientific community has probably already taken all of the Ancient Egypt artifacts, Sorry. And some people say the artifacts are cursed! :O

What work do archaeologists do?

Archaeologist is a person who studies evidence from ancient times. An archaeologist could look at the pyramids of Egypt and find and secret chambers actually see why the pyramids have lived on since ancient times.

What was empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt?

A dead person's organs were empty and filled with rags in ancient Egypt. During mummification in ancient Egypt, the dead person's organs were removed and later filled with rags instead.

What does the word sarcophagus mean?

A sarcophagus is a stone coffin, often highly decorated, used to hold the remains of a deceased person. It was commonly used in ancient Egypt and other ancient civilizations.

Is Egyptology and archeology the same?

No, they are not the same. Egyptology is restricted to the study of ancient Egypt. Archaeology is the study of ancient remains anywhere in the world.

Someone who can write in ancient Egypt?

A person who could write in Ancient Egypt was called a scribe. I'm not kidding you.-

What is ancient Egyptian?

An ancient Egyptian is a person who lived in Egypt 3300 BC