Yam is a place that was in Nubia and shared an alliance withEgypt. Trust me it's hard to find out I'm looking for the exact same thing. Hope it helps.
Y could be Yam, a region from Nubia that made and alliance with Egypt. Z could be Zoser, a pharoah.
every where ha ha ha ha ha lol y goon
Yassou, which means hi/bye (kind of like ciao in Italian) Don't Know about Ancient Greek words
yo moma
Y is for the letter Y. The letter Y, along with K & Z, were not part of the original Latin alphabet.
A word that starts with "Y" in ancient Rome is "yugum," which means "yoke" in Latin. A yoke was a wooden beam used for joining two animals together, typically oxen, for plowing fields or pulling carts. It symbolized unity and partnership in Roman society and was also used metaphorically in political and military contexts.
Yahxa is the name of a lake in Guatemala. Yaxha was an ancient Maya city build along the shore of the lake.
YoYoing+ yachting
· Yorktown, Texas
York is a city in Nebraska. It begins with the letter Y.
Yard, Yak
yamika -a Jewish beanie
· Yule · Yuletide