Yam is a place that was in Nubia and shared an alliance withEgypt. Trust me it's hard to find out I'm looking for the exact same thing. Hope it helps.
Y could be Yam, a region from Nubia that made and alliance with Egypt. Z could be Zoser, a pharoah.
every where ha ha ha ha ha lol y goon
Yassou, which means hi/bye (kind of like ciao in Italian) Don't Know about Ancient Greek words
yo moma
Y is for the letter Y. The letter Y, along with K & Z, were not part of the original Latin alphabet.
Please nothing innaproporite
Yahxa is the name of a lake in Guatemala. Yaxha was an ancient Maya city build along the shore of the lake.
YoYoing+ yachting
· Yorktown, Texas
York is a city in Nebraska. It begins with the letter Y.
Yard, Yak
yamika -a Jewish beanie
· Yule · Yuletide