According to research I have done, Ancient Greek gods born of Zeus are immortal (live eternally). Because this was an Ancient greek belief, it is not currently followed at this date: so the ancient greek gods died over time as people started to swap religions. The ancient Greeks and the Romans had similar beliefs, and therefore believed in the same gods, but called them different names. Apollo, however, is the ancient greek and the roman term for the same god.
Every single ancient country could see the sky, so each one had their on constellations. Most of them were Greek and Egyptian, but some were Islamic and Roman. The famous constellations are the Greek ones.
Athena: Greek Goddess of wisdom Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of beauty Hera: Greek Goddess of children and marriage Artemis: Greek Goddess of hunting Hestia: Greek Goddess of the hearth Demeter: Greek Goddess of grain Pandora: the first woman formed out of clay by the gods.
Just the way you spell them today. They haven't changed. The only change was from the Greek to the Roman.
no they dont .
The ancient Greek Gods did not have second (or family) names.
Usually the roll of heroes contains Perseus, Heracles, Bellerophon, Theseus, Jason, Achilles and Odysseus.
The Argo
Theirs cheakers :)
poo nanny
The Greek gods have 2 names because they are known in both Greek AND Roman mythology, only in differant names.
There isn't enough here telling me about whether greeks had alot in the ancient times or not. It also doesn't mention any names of ancient greek wines.
About the only famous thing starting with z pertaining to ancient Rome was the town of Zama where Scipio whipped Hannibal. A money belt was called a zona. Most of the z words were of Greek origin or Greek names.
Eubacteria and archaebacteria. [archae is Greek for "ancient"]