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Greek- Dionysus Roman- Bacchus or Liber

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Q: Can you give the greek and roman nfames for the god of wine and fertility?
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When was roman goddess Juno born?

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What contribution did the Phoenicians give to writing?

An alphabet which became the basis of Greek and Roman alphabets, and so today's alphabets.

Can you give facts about Hera other than she is wife of Zeus?

She is the Greek goddess of family and her roman name is Juno.

What is the god Atlas' name in Roman?

I've been looking for the same thing and i can't find it. I looked on wikipedia and they give his name in other languages but not Roman. His name is the same in Roman ans Greek Mythology!

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You have to have the fertility wand

On what days do a woman take fertility blend?

Usually, a woman would take a fertility blend during her ovulation period. However, a fertility specialist is best suited to give the woman specific instructions about when to take the fertility bland.

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Anything you like. You could use letters from the Roman or Greek alphabets, numbers, of even give it a human name for a label.

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Because wingmong paddle pong gond dong is a dumb dumb who won't give em gum gum

I live in bangalore give me few addresses in bangalore I will take care of the rest?

Gunasheela Nursing Home and Ankur Fertility Centre are two fertility centers in Bangalore.

What are ancient Greek teaching methods?

Ancient Greek teaching methods included the use of questioning and dialogue to stimulate critical thinking, memorization of literature and poetry, and physical education to promote a healthy mind and body. Students were also encouraged to participate in debates and public speaking to develop their oratory skills.

Can you give me a great introduction on roman?

You do not specify your question enough. Roman what?

What is the Greek meaning of the word give?

The English word 'give' (δίνουν in Greek) means the same in Greek as it does in English