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the importance was that they had plenty of beliefs about the land forms. they were well trusted.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

peninsulas and mountains

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Q: Describe the geographic setting of ancient Greece?
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What is the geographic setting of ancient Greece like?

rocky soil lots of mountains surrounded by 3 sides of water

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Greece is Located on the Mediterranean Sea.

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Ancient Greece, Siphnos, Troy

Which geographic factor contributed to the formation of independent city states in Ancient Greece?

mountainous topography

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The geographical setting of Greece.

What was the earliest form of government of ancient Greece.?

The earliest form of government of ancient Greece was monarchy. In the pre-Classical period, ancient Greece was composed of small geographic units ruled by a local king. Over time, groups of the leading aristocrats replaced the kings.

Who owns ancient Macedonia?

Ancient Macedonia which today is the province of Macedonia on the northern Greek peninsula, is a historical, geographic, cultural and ethnic identity of Greece.

How do I start my report on Ancient Greece?

The purpose of this report is to . Using this format will center your thinking and tell the ready why you wrote it. Make sure you write about one thing on Ancient Greece. The purpose of this report is to describe the art produced in Ancient Greece.