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There is no actual evidence of 300 wives. Archaeologists have searched tombs and temples, and have only found pictures, descriptions, or remains of 56. But scientists think there might have been 96. What they do know is that 3 of them were his daughters, 1 was his sister. As with the wives, there is only evidence of 30 sons and 29 daughters. Ramses II was a great military leader, as well as a playboy, but only because he was a pharaoh and women did not have any say in As for the great military leader part well, that's another topic! ;)

User:, 11 Dec 2008 (UTC) Smarty skirts

he had 900 hundred wives but not a lot of people now that.

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11y ago

Ramses II had seven wives. Their names are, Nefertari, Isetnofret, Maathorneferure, Meritamen, Bintanath, Nebettawy, and Henutmire.

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13y ago

Ramses had 200 wives, 96 sons, and 60 daughters.

I heard 12 dumb as*

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14y ago

a lot

he had like 99 kids

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4y ago

I'm pretty sure he had at least a hundred, not just 7

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ummm i dont think he actually had the baby but yea i think he did If you mean Ramses II , he had a large number of children - 44-56 sons and 40-44 daughters, with approximately eight wives.

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Ramses II was negative 17 when Nefertiti passed on.