Tax paid by farmers in Ancient Egypt was used by the government to fund various projects and services, including the construction of public infrastructure such as irrigation systems and temples, the maintenance of a standing army, and the administration of the bureaucracy. The taxes collected were also used to support the pharaoh and the royal court, as well as to finance trade expeditions and diplomatic missions. Overall, tax revenue played a crucial role in sustaining the economy and the government of Ancient Egypt.
I don't believe there was a lot of ownership of land by the peasantry. The upper class was probably the owner. They exacted a rent by requiring a percentage of the crop from the farmer. Whatever the case might have been overall, the farmers themselves probably spent their whole lives without using or seeing money.
i know that they get paid 10 loaves of bread and 2 jugs of beer a day.
It helped him because the money he had collected, helped him pay for weapons, deffence, and supplies.
If farmers didnt pay tax they were beaten. Punishments were as follows: drowning, burning alive and beheading
Slaves in Ancient Egypt were mostly people who had been captured during the war. According to the law, they were not free, they had no rights and didn't earn any pay. Here's a documentary explaining it more. New Historia-Daily Life in Ancient Egypt
Nobles told farmers to pay the samurai land for the samurai did not care for wealth (currency)
In ancient China, farmers typically paid for the use of land through a system known as the "corvée labor" system. They would provide labor service to the landlord or the state for a certain number of days each year in exchange for the right to cultivate the land. This labor obligation was considered as payment for the land use. Additionally, farmers would also pay a portion of their harvest as rent or taxes to the landlord or the state.
Farmers that could not pay their debts, the amount of land they had was used to paythem off.
Land, because they couldn't pay their taxes.
Work the land to pay the rent.
Land, because they couldn't pay their taxes.
Land, because they couldn't pay their taxes.
Work the land to pay the rent.
the farmers had to sell their land since they coulnt pay for the taxes they owned.
Many farmers borrowed large amounts of money to pay for farming equipment and to pay for the land.