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Of course they got paid. Would you work for nothing? Some of them were paid very well for their services. Even slaves were given money in the form of tips and bonuses for jobs well done.

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they get paid in salt

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Q: Did the Ancient Roman army get paid to fight in battles?
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What is the differences between Spartans and athenians in ancient rome?

Sparta was a Greek city-state that was known for it's army they went into battles and won, Athens was also a Greek city-state but it was known for being a good place for trade kids even went to school. Ancient Roman empire and Ancient Greece were in different time periods.

Why was the Roman Army the best in the world?

For centuries the Roman army was the best military force in the ancient world. The Romans had developed a unique battle formation called the legion. This was a sophisticated military organization. In addition to this was the training and discipline that the Roman soldiers practiced whether at peace or at war. The Romans were also a sophisticated siege army and were adept at ancient military war engines such as the catapult.

A professional fighter from ancient Rome?

The Soldiers of the Roman army were professional. Therefore, they were professional fighters. Non-military professional fighters were the gladiators who fought in the gladiatorial combats which were games the Roman public loved.

Where did the German army defeat the roman army.?

The Romans were defeated by the Germans at the battle of Teutoburg Forest which was one of the biggest Roman defeats

What did the Roman Army have to do with the growth and maintenance of the Roman Empire?

During the expansion of the Roman Empire the army sent the wealth of conqured territories and slaves back to Rome, to fuel the Roman economy. The army was followed into territories by merchants and traders who would then acquire goods for sale in Roman markets. During the reign of Augustus the army repaired roads, and set up permenant barracks along trade routes to make travel to and from other territories safer.I hate roman army and i love Germany

Related questions

How many battles did the roman army fight in?

The Roman army fought thousands of battles over the 1,200 years of the history of ancient Rome.

What were two things that the Roman army did?

Two of the many things that the Roman army did was (obviously) to fight battles and to do major construction works such as bridges, roads, and aqueducts.

What do you call to the Jewish soldiers under the ancient rome?

There was not a name for Jewish soldiers. The Jews did not fight in the Roman army.

What was the purpose of the assyrian army?

To fight and win battles.

When does the Roman army fight and why?

The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.The ancient Roman army fought when they were ordered to fight. They were ordered to fight after all other means of conquest were ignored, their officers met for a battle plan, and the terrain was scouted for a suitable position for a battle. Why? They fought because it was their job.

What kind of challenges did the roman legionaries face during their service to the roman army?

Is that they lose there battles.

What battles did the cheyenne tribe fight with settlers or the us army?

it was the indian war

Do Captains fight in Battle?

For the army: General distribute the forces; Colonels control the battlefields; Captains fight the battles.

Did the Roman Army fight in The Battle of Hastings?

No. The Roman Army had ceased to exist long before the Battle of Hastings.

How old did the men have to fight in the roman army?


How easy was it to be a soldier in the Roman army?

A soldier in the ancient Roman military had to work hard. The Roman military system was built on constant maneuvers, long marches, strict discipline, and becoming used to relentless battles and wars. As ancient Rome was almost constantly at war, or engulfed in civil wars, a Roman soldier was constantly being put to the test.

Was king David a soldier?

Yes. David was a soldier and led his army into battles. When David became king he didn't fight as many battles.