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During the expansion of the Roman Empire the army sent the wealth of conqured territories and slaves back to Rome, to fuel the Roman economy. The army was followed into territories by merchants and traders who would then acquire goods for sale in Roman markets.

During the reign of Augustus the army repaired roads, and set up permenant barracks along trade routes to make travel to and from other territories safer.I hate roman army and i love Germany

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Q: What did the Roman Army have to do with the growth and maintenance of the Roman Empire?
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What Role Did Roman soldiers play in the creation of the Roman Empire?

The Roman army played a major role in the creation of the Roman empire a most of Rome's territory was gained by military conquest. In addition, the army policed the new territories and many times colonies of veterans were established in them. The army also did the building of roads, bridges and aqueducts.

When was the period in which the Romans lived?

The Roman empire was preceded by a 500-year-old Roman Republic. The Empire was founded by Julius Caesar's appointment as perpetual dictator (of the republic) in (44 BC). The first emperor was Octavian (Augustus Caesar) and the empire continued (and divided into an east and west part) for several hundred years. The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 AD and the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire ended in 1453 AD with the death of Constantine XI and the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks.--------------------------------------------------------------------The Roman Empire came into complete being around 27 BC. The Western Roman Empire collapsed in 476 as Romulus Augustus was forced to abdicate by Odoacer. The Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire endured until 1453 with the capture of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks led by Mehmed II. Therefore, it is difficult to give an exact date when the Roman Empire ceased to exist.The Roman Empire in it's entirety lasted from 27 BC to 476 AD.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It actually was from 43BC to 410AD-------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Roman Empire is said to have begun when the Senate granted the title Augustus to Octavian on January 4, 27 BC. The date of the fall of the Roman Empire is usually given as 476 AD, though the empire did not really fall on that date.The Roman Empire divided and was reunited several times, the last division being in 395. The event of 476 was the abdication of the last Emperor of the West, in favor of the Emperor of the East. But the West Roman Empire had already become a chaotic mess and never recovered. The emperors of the East Roman Empire tried to reconquer the West, but never got very far.The East Roman Empire finally fell in 1453. Our current historians refer to the East Roman Empire from about 500 AD to 1453 as the Byzantine Empire.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Where did the German army defeat the roman army.?

The Romans were defeated by the Germans at the battle of Teutoburg Forest which was one of the biggest Roman defeats

Why was the Persian standing army an important factor in Persia's rapid growth?

The Persian Empire stretched from Asia Minor to India, and included many conquered nations. A strong army was important to maintaining the Persian Empire's power for many reasons. Firstly, the army helped to conquer to new lands for the empire. Secondly, they helped deter any possible uprisings or revolutions among the conquered nations. Thirdly, they helped maintain the peace throughout the empire.

The downfall of Rome?

The decline Bad emperors Inflation with economy Mercenarie army Too big

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How many men would share a tent in the roman?

In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.In the Roman army there were eight men in a "contubernium". In the late empire there were ten.

What important part of the roman empire was the roman army in?

The Roman army was in all parts of the empire. It was due in large part to the army that Rome established the greatest western empire of its time. To Rome, all parts of the empire were important.

Who are the protectors of the roman empire?

The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.The army would have been the protectors of the Roman empire.

What were the roman army used for?

Extending and defending the Roman Empire.

The Roman Empire was attacked and conquered by?

the roman empire was attacked by the usa army with tanks and helicopters

How did the Roman Empire rise?

They had a good Army

Who or what connected the empire and spread roman culture?

The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.The roads connected the empire and spread Roman culture. The army also played a part as it was stationed in all areas of the empire and brought with it Roman customs and culture.

How did the Roman Empire fund their army?

The Romans funded their army through taxation.

What does service to the roman empire mean?

Service for the Roman Empire meant either service in the army or service in the imeprial bureaucracy.

Did Rome's army have the strength and man power to protect such a huge empire?

Since the Roman Empire lasted for a thousand years, I infer that yes, the Roman army did have the power to protect it.

How roman became a empire?

they had a good army and have good leaders.

Who connected the lands of the roman empire by building roads?

It was the Romans who connected their empire by building roads. Specifically, the Roman army did the work.