Yes! Pharaoh's like Tutankhamun used to hunt them as a sport, or just for food.
I think to please the gods To keep the hippos from eating the crops too
agriculture in Egypt
People in Egypt call Egypt Masr
Egypt! Everything in Egypt, and parts of Africa close to Egypt
jackals, cats, scarab beetles, crocodiles, hippos
Hippos, lions, wild cats, antelopes, animals like that.
They were dangerous and would kill the crops
Idk U tell me from ranch64, In Egypt there are: scorpions, snakes, crocodiles, many birds of prey, hippos, and many other creatures.
There were hundreds! The most common ones were~ * Cats * Baboons * Hippos * Crocodiles * Calves, etc
becaause of its horns, their very valueble and would make you very rich
The collective nouns are a bloat of hippos, a crash of hippos, or a herd of hippos.
do hippos hibernate
what hippos
Africa. They come from various places from there, but mostly at the border, as more water is there. It is said they used to live, far back, in Egypt.