It is not a nickname, but the Greeks call themselves Hellas after their legendary founder, Helen (a dude). Their nickname is actually Greek after being mistaken for the Graeci tribe by the Roman peeps.
No nickname!
Why do you believe everybody has a nickname?
M31 or Messier 31 after Charles Messier who cataloged it.
Why do you think he had one?
Cleopatra's nickname was Queen of the Nile.
I don't think Greece has an official nickname.
Nickname(s) Ethniki (National)Galanolefki (Blue-white)The Pirate Ship
Not a nickname, but what they themselves called it was Hellas, after its legendary founder Helen (a male). They called themselves Hellenes. If you want a nickname, it's Greek - the Romans started calling the Hellenes Greeks when they mistook the Greeks in southern Italy for a tribe called the Graeci, and the name has stuck, but Greeks even today call themselves Hellenes.
Well, all I know is that wine was common in Georgia, Greece, and Italy.
In the Roman myth she is the dawn (Eos in Greece). In Disney stories she goes by a couple of names. One is Brier Rose, but you will most likely recognize her by her nickname of Sleeping Beauty.
"the reader" b/c he studied a wide variety of subjects "Intelligence of the school" b/c he was Plato's best student "the Stagirite" b/c he was born in Stagira in N. Greece
"Mad Agnes" was a famous philosephar in ancient Greece. People called him mad because he had different theories that were barely believable. That was the birth of his new nickname "Mad Agnes".
No, it does not have a nickname.
No nickname!
no nickname