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Q: Earthenware stoneware and bronze were common mediums used in?
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What is the name of greek chest armor?

Cuirass was the most common ancient chest-armor, especially from the Spartans. Typically bronze. The NAME was THORAX in Greek,not curiass-that is English

What is a relam of Athena?

Athena was the Goddess of more things than I can shake a stick at. But they can be pretty easily summarized into three things. She was the Goddess of Wisdom, Goddess of Military Victory (war with good tactics and winning strategies, not just fighting, like Ares), and Goddess of Crafts. I need to elaborate a little more on that last one, just so you can understand her coolness. Athena invented the flute, the trumpet, the earthenware pot, the plough, the rake, the ox-yoke, the horse-bridle, the chariot, and the ship. Now that's just the "guy" stuff. She was also the first teacher of the science of numbers, and all women's arts: weaving, cooking, and spinning. If you are looking through paintings and you think you might have found something that is Athena, here is some of her iconography: a shield (sometimes with the head of Medusa), bronze armor, a helmet (this is very common), and a spear (also very common). Athena was also one of the three Virgin Goddesses on Olympus, something you might want to read more about.

Did the ancient greeks always use money?

Before coins were invented, a barter system was in use (e.g. I'll give you 20 eggs for a new pair of shoes etc.) After that they started using coins (around 8th-7th century B.C.) Each city-state had its own coins made of gold, silver, copper or iron.

How do you tell if a roman ring is bronze?

There is no 100% surefire way (other than by analysis in a professional laboratory) to know if a Roman ring is bronze, an alloy most commonly defined as being of copper and tin - often with added lead - or brass (another copper alloy, with zinc, which the Romans also used extensively for jewelry; see: most bronze, when free of tarnish or patina, has a more 'coppery' or warm golden appearance similar to rose gold or high-karat (18K and up) yellow gold, although typically paler; whereas brasses typically are more yellow, usually lacking the coppery 'warmth' of bronze, ofttimes slightly greenish. Of course this requires exposing bare metal, something which probably is not a wise idea on a genuine antiquity as the patina adds to the apparent authenticity and value of the piece.Bronze and brass patinate differently as well, with bronze typically becoming more of a rich, warm dark brown hue and brass more dull-brown or greenish-brown - but once a heavy green (copper carbonate) patina forms, it's very hard to differentiate the two.Weight is not diagnostic since both alloy groups are very close in density and may have added elements such as lead.Adding to the confusion are certain alloys which can be classified as both a brass and a bronze, because they contain both zinc and tin (and often other alloying elements as well) either intentionally, or as impurities. Impurities were common in ancient metallurgy not only due to lack of strict standards, but also because of extensive recycling as a cost-reduction measure; so one may encounter such 'either/or' alloys as a result. Their characteristics can range the spectrum from one end to the other or anywhere in-between.

What did the Greeks use to make statues out of?

There were many forms of materials available to the Greeks to make statues and monuments Of course the most common was marble (because it is strong, weather resistant and doest crack when worked with as it is very porous, not to mention the abundance of marble in the Mediterranean). There was also bronze statues, made from molding and casting wooden statues. They also made wooden statues (but less frequently, as they figured out it was less durable and less permanent)

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What was the Art like during the Shang Dynasty?

Earthenware and stoneware were made the most during the Shang Dynasty.

Is bronze noun a common?

yes bronze is a common noun

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Copper, bronze, and iron are all metals and conductors of electricity.

What are common mediums for Aboriginal art?

Body, Rock, Weaving are some that I know of (Canvas is NOT one).

What was a common art of the shang dynasty in china?

Objects made of bronze were common in the Shang Dynasty of China.

What was a common form of the Shang Dynasty in china?

Objects made of bronze were common in the Shang Dynasty of China.

During what Chinese dynasty did bronze working become common?

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What material were Hittite weapons made of?

The primary material for all wealthy and large Bronze Age civilizations was bronze. Bronze was expensive, however, so it was also quite common for common foot soldiers to use stone weapons (maces, for instance) or even fire-hardened spears.

Is amber polished bronze?

No. Amber is the solidified sap from resinous trees (such as pines). Bronze is a metal. Other than color, the two have essentially nothing in common.

What is the value of a 1962 Bronze us penny?

...Only one cent. They are in common circulation.

Which metal is present in both brass and bronze?

Copper is the metal present in both brass and bronze. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, while bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.