The first civilization was Mesopotamia.
The Atlantean one, if you consider prehistory.
The Sumerian if you don't.
the first civilization was Sumer and the citizens were Sumerians.
This is a highly debated question, evidence points to all different directions actually.
Well, The first civilization was located in Ancient Mesopotamia, which is now the country of Iraq. The name in which you asked for is Sumer.
The civilization that first made things out of glass was Eastern Mesopotamia and Egypt around 3500 BC. The first glass vessels were made in Egypt and Mesopotamia around 1500 BC.
The Sumerians were and there civilization was in Mesopotamia, which is modern day Iraq.
The characteristics of civilization are structure to support a group. Social, economic, educational, and political structures for the greater good. Mesopotamia was the first civilization.
Sumerians were the first structured civilization on Earth. They were part of the mesopotamians.
Mesopotamia was the first civilization ever to have started.
The first ancient civilization was Mesopotamia (Present day Iraq). I know this because this was the first thing I learned in my history book.
Mesopotamia was called the cradle of civilizations because it was the first civilization. The first cities were made here.
Because that is where the world's first civilization occurred (ancient Mesopotamia).
Indus Valley is the worlds first civilization.
Indus Valley is the worlds first civilization.
The Summarian civilizations of Mesopotamia
Google Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia was the earliest civilization.
The mespotamians
Sumerians and artisans